The figures tab allows you to see different types of Inventory figures based on a date period.  The figures are shown in grid format by store and variant with some options to alter the grid view. 
Movement Header -  This is made up of the Master Item Name field followed by the Master Item Number - as shown on the Item list Higgildy Tank Top - 000127.

From*- The start date of the items activity (manually enter a date or click into the mini calendar to select)

To* - The end date of the items activity (manually enter a date or click into the mini calendar to select)

Company - Use this filter to select a particular Company(s). See Inter-company Trading for more details.

Search - Finds all figures based on the search criteria entered. 

Back to List - This takes you back to the item list.

This will then display a data grid from the selected filters: Store and Size on the vertical grid with Colour on the horizontal grid.

Sold / Sale - The number of units sold in the period selected.

On Hand - The number of units you currently have in stock including Reserved and Offline

Reserved - The number of units you have reserved for customer collections such as web orders.

In Transit - The number of units you have moving to or from your shop to another shop but have not been delivered i.e the transfer has not been completed by both the sending and receiving shop.

On Order - The number of units you have requested from a vendor but have not been delivered to date.

Available - Calculated as On Hand - (Offline + Reserved) = Available.

Example, you have 20 in stock (On Hand), but 3 promised to customers (Reserved) and 2 Offline so you have 15 Available to sell immediately.

Cost Price - Calculated as the aggregated value of the item's cost by location over time. This is the weighted average cost of items at Item/location level required for accurate reporting of profit margins.

Location - The shop who's figures are being shown.

Offline - The number of units held as Offline Stock.

Value On Hand - This is the sum of On-Hand multiplied by the shop’s current Cost Price expressed as a monetary value. See Item (beta) Dashboard for average monetary values.