The movements tab shows the movement (or audit trail) of an item or variant throughout Imagine.  Movements can be broken down by store, movement type and by date. 


The start date of the items movement (manually enter a date or click into the mini calendar to select)


The end date of the items movement (manually enter a date or click into the mini calendar to select)

Movement Type

Select a movement type from the drop down list.

If left blank, then all movement types will be shown. 

If selecting a type, only 1 can be selected at a time. 


Select a shop from the drop down list. NOTE: only active shops are shown. To make a shop active see Back Office - Shops

If left blank, then all shops will be shown.

If selecting a shop, only 1 can be selected at a time.


Select an item variant from the drop-down list.

If left blank, then all variants will be shown.

If selecting an item variant, only 1 can be selected at a time


Finds all movements based on the search criteria entered. 

Once the search completes the view will update to show a Grid with the movements.

Column Choose

Located top right of the grid panel is a Column Chooser icon, which lets the user add and remove columns [fields] to/from the grid view. 

Add a Column

From the Column Chooser box, drag the column to the grid view.

Remove a Column

From the grid view drag the column to the Column Chooser box.

To Close the column Chooser, use the X top right of the box. 


Alternative grid view with Name and Item Number added, but with Barcode and User removed. 

The data grid shows the following. (some options may be hidden within the Column Chooser) 

NOTE: The grid view is not saved and will revert to the default view upon exiting the item.


Date of the movement.


The item primary barcode.


A concatenated field containing all dimensions applicable to the item.


The user that performed/recorded the item movement.

Movement Type

The type of movement.

From Shop

The Shop that the movement originated.

To Shop

The Shop that received the movement of goods.


The quantity of the movement adjustment.

Item Number

The item variant number.


The item variant name.


This is the Receive Goods Number.