This is where you add all the main information about the item you are creating. Complete each field as required, then Next to move to the next step.

NOTE: If creating an item with variants, some variants may have slightly different information, however, enter the most common value, then change as required at Step 6 – Variants. e.g., Vendor Item Number per colour, variant item number, price per size.    

NOTE: (*) Indicates a Mandatory field.


This is the Master Item Name.  Used by the Item List and parts of Imagine where the items are listed at Master Item level instead of variant level [Colour and Size].  

Master Item Number

 The number or code by which the master item will be known or referenced by.  It will appear in most lists and reports where the master item is listed. NOTE: If left blank, it will automatically generate one for you

Manufacturer Item Number

 If required, the Manufacturer number or code by which the master item will be known or referenced by. 

Vendor Item Number 

If Required, the Vendor number or code by which the master item will be known or referenced by.


This field is an extended description of the Name field and is commonly used to hold more descriptive information about a product. Material type, weight, size, artist information, design notes etc


  • Stocked: This is where there is physical stock to count and mange.
  • Non-Stock: This is where there is no stock to count or manage such as postage, service or repair fees.
  • Serialized: This is when you want to keep individual instances of a particular item when they are received, transferred, sold or returned. This in-turn helps with keeping track of item warranties and high value goods. NOTE: For this option it will need to be activated via the Portal>Configuration>Tenant Tab.


This is who supplies the item, sometimes referred to as the Supplier. 

Select an existing Vendor from the list. 

If No Vendor exists use the Manage Vendors button to create a new Vendor. 

NOTE: Only the Vendor Name and Vendor Code is created. All other Vendor details should be added in the Back-Office – Vendors section. 

Sales UOM Code

UOM is a Unit of Measure by which an item is sold. This could be weight, length, pack size or something else.

Currently this field is for reference purposes only.

Tax Rate

This is the Tax Rate to be applied when the item is sold.  If there are multiple Tax Groups, select a Tax Rate from each as required. Only 1 tax rate can be chosen from each group.

Default Label Template

This is the label format which will be used for label printing unless an alternative format is selected at the time of printing. For more information see @ Label Templates

Restock Level

This is the maximum amount of stock to hold for the variant item. Currently this field is for reference purposes only.

Reorder Point

 This is lowest amount of stock to be held for an item. It indicates when an item requires ordering again.

Reorder Number

 If required, the Re-order number or code by which the master item will be known or referenced by

POS Block Discount

When set to YES, the item is blocked from being discounted at the POS.  Default setting is NO – Item can be discounted

POS Prompt for Price

 When set to YES, a prompt appears at the POS asking the user to enter a price. Default setting is NO – Item is not prompted for a price.

POS Block Quantity Entry

When set to YES, the user cannot change the quantity of the item being sold.  Default setting is NO – A quantity can be set against the item.