To Add items manually to a goods receipt you must not have selected to receive from a purchase order.

 Export All Data - This will export the data to an .xlxs file for use.

Column Chooser - Use to select/deselect category headers.

 Print - This will bring up a pop up page see Printing Labels for further information.

You can add items in the following way:

Scan a barcode - This will add the item to the grid, if the item already exists it will increment the quantity by 1 for each scan.

Find Item Manually - Clicking Find Items Manually will show the Add Items window. From this screen, you can search items based on any item properties. By entering a quantity or incrementing the quantity using the +/- buttons you can populate the grid. Once all item quantities have been set select Add Items to add them to the Goods Receipt.

Receive From a Purchase Order

To create the goods receipt from an existing purchase order select a Vendor and then choose the Purchase Order drop down to see the available Placed Purchase Orders.

Once a purchase order is selected the item grid will automatically be populated with the items to receive and the Quantity set.

NOTE: You can over receive quantities on a Purchase order only when the Shop setting 'Allow over receive of PO' is on. 

You cannot over receive if this option is not set to on. Irrespective of this setting, you cannot add additional items within the Goods Receipt Note when it is linked to a PO, a new goods receipt or purchase order must be created to receive the items not already listed in the PO. A PO cannot be altered once it is Placed.