This section shows you the Local Currency for this shop. 

The shops currency cannot be changed once set see @ Back Office - Shops for more details. If the shop accepts other currencies these and their conversion rates are added here.

Local Currency -  Choose from the drop down list. This list is pre-defined within Imagine.

Add Currency - Choose from the drop down list. This list is pre-defined within Imagine.

Currency Exchange Rate - Enter in the exchange rate for the additional currency, this value is determined by the retailer and should be updated manually on any changes within the exchange rate.

Example: If you wish to charge 8.5 DKK to each 1 GBP you should set the Currency Exchange Rate to 8.5, click to ADD CURRENCY.

Currency Exchange Rate - This shows the list of currencies already defined, to edit the exchange rate click the Currency Exchange Rate box and edit as required. 

To remove a currency, tick the box. and when pressing Save the currency will be removed. Don't forget to press Save at the top of the page to complete any changes.