Here you configure the printing options for gift receipts / labels.

Use the drop down to change the type of Gift Receipt or Label.

If you need to print both receipt and label they must both be available to the Connector otherwise unexpected results may occur. You will need compatible hardware for more information see POS Hardware.

NOTE: When you have set all your options as required press to keep the changes, you will see a confirmation message once saved  

If Gift Label is selected you will need to select which Label Template to print from the drop down menu.

You will need to enter information for the Default Exchange Period, select type from the drop down menu this will change the type of Default Exchange Period  between Days or specific date.

Number of Days - If your returns policy states a number of days for return of goods choose this option and set the Default exchange period (in days) as required. 

Until specific date - You can chose a specific return date if required, this can be useful Christmas return periods for example.

Default exchange period - this will be either a date or a number of days depending on the period type you have chosen.

For example, most of the year your return policy says 30 days from the date of purchase. You would select 'Number of Days' and input '30' in the 'Default exchange period (in days). However during the Christmas period you would accept returns from 1st of January to 15th of January, you would need to alter the "Select default exchange" period type to be the 15th of January. This will be displayed on the Gift Label when printed.

Save to complete any changes.

NOTE: Gift Label Template If you have previously set up a Gift Receipt in Setup chosen to print to a Gift Label then you must choose a label template here. If you are only printing to a Gift Receipt this option will not be available.

Gift Certificate Expiry - This is the amount of days when set that the Certificate will be valid for. 

Credit Note Expiry - This is the amount of days when set that the Credit Note will be valid for.