Item Information allows you to scan or search items and retrieve information and properties.

Search - You can search based on the following attributes.

  • Item Barcode
  • Item Description

Press  Tap for Search, input either the code/description and press to begin the search results will show in a list.

Tapping on one of the items in the list will bring up its information. 

It will display the item information and image if one has been added. 

Drop down menus.

  • General Information - This displays the item barcode or item No.
  • Description - If a description has been given for the item it will be displayed here. 
  • Nearby Stock -  This shows what stock is on hand nearby you can use the slider to increase or decrease the distance.

Scan item barcode

Clicking on the camera icon, a small frame will be displayed to scan the item barcode.

Scanning the barcode will bring the same information page as if you were to use search.