Export Customers allows the export of the customer account data to an Excel Spreadsheet.

The list of customers can be filtered on one of the fields in the table as shown below.

The exported information contains the following data

External Unique ID - The customer number used in the POS.

First Name.

Last Name.


Mobile Phone Number.

Phone Number.

Associated Company (if applicable).

Primary Billing Address.

Primary Shipping Address.




Credit Limit (Maximum amount that can be charged to the account).

Total Spent (A running total of all charges made to the account, this does not include transactions made off the account).

No. of Visits (Number of times a transaction has been completed with the customers account linked via the customer widget).

Loyalty Points.

Currently Available - Points earned and available to spend.

Not Yet Available - Points earned but not passed any qualifying period set in Loyalty Configuration.

Total Used - Points that have been spent.

Loyalty Points Currently Available (Converted) - Points value converted to the customer account currency.

Date Created - Date the customer account was setup.

Last Visit - Last time the customer account was linked to a transaction.