On the Options tab, you have the option to Allow Submissions. There may be instances when you want to be able to upload transactions for reconciliation but not be able to perform a submission. 

The reason for this is that once a submission ID has been given, this will effectively lock the transactions on the ERP system, meaning they cannot be deleted and reloaded. 

This control applies to both test mode and production (live environment). 

K3 recommends, for initial testing:

Allow Submissions is unticked until the user is happy that they have been able to reconcile the uploaded data. After that, a test submission can be done in Enable Test Mode but only if the user test environment for their financial system is not production.

NOTE: Performing submission locks transactions so they cannot be reloaded. If transactions are locked in testing, they will not be able to be used in production, or again in any subsequent test. 

If you do not have a separate UAT or test environment, the suggested setting is that Allow Submissions is unticked until the user is certain that they want to file a live submission. This prevents a partial or incomplete submission from being filed accidentally.