Item Hierarchies can be found in the Inventory module.

NOTE: At the moment it is not possible to move hierarchy nodes to a different level or location within the hierarchy. 

This section allows you to manage the Hierarchy Nodes [Often referred to as Department and Categories].  

Definitions - There are 2 types of Hierarchy Nodes, Root Node and Sub Node.

Root Node means it is top of the hierarchy. 

Sub Node means it is below the Root level.  This can be 1 or more levels below. 

Edit a Hierarchy Node 

To Edit a Root Node / Sub Node click the pencil to the right and amend the details on the form and Save.

Delete a Hierarchy Node 

NOTE: Hierarchy Nodes can only be deleted if there are no items using it. 

Choose the X to the right of a Root or Sub Node and choose Delete.

Should there still be items, a warning top right will appear and the delete request will be ignored.