Headless POS
This application is designed to enable clerks to serve customers using a Headless POS. As well as supporting cash and card payments Headless POS also allows for discount and refund functionality.
Key Notes
- Headless POS uses the Currency and Language shop setting which is configured via the Backoffice. It uses these settings to determine the default locale of the the Headless POS using local conventions for formatting and currency's. (Decimal or comma separator, currency symbol before/after the value).
- The Logo that will be displayed is taken from the Backoffice's Shop Logo.
- This application uses a Pin Entry Device in order to take card payments. Therefore a live implementation will require a K3 Connector, Compatible printer, a supported Payment Terminal and Payment Service Provider.
- A Virtual payment option is available for demonstration and testing without a Connector.
- This application is designed to run on fixed kiosk hardware, with no keyboard input. it is recommend to use Google Chrome's Kiosk mode in order to prevent the users from holding down the touch screen for too long and simulating a right-click.