The Groups module is where you can group a selection of shops, by adding shops to a Group they will inherit the settings applied for that particular group such as Reason Codes, Expenses, Tax Codes and Item Groups. This means only the options selected for this group appear in the POS.

You can create as many Groups as you like. Selecting a Group in Shops is mandatory so you will need to create at least one Group. The Options within Groups are not mandatory.

To create a new group click ''ADD GROUP'' and a new page will open.

The group options will apply to any shops within the created group for example: if a group uses Tax codes FR and UK a shop which trades in GBP will automatically use the UK tax codes.

The Reason Code, expenses and Item hierarchy also define what option will apply to the shops within.

To amend or delete a Group click on the name and it will open a new page.

When you have made the amends ensure you press save, or delete to remove the group.