The Composer Group List will display all currently existing groups. To edit simply click on the relevant group.

To create a new Composer Group use the button. 

You will be taken to the below page. 

Display Name - This is the name that will display on the Self Serve Applications  and is seen by the customer.

Name - This needs to be a unique name as you cannot use this name more than once. If the name already exists you will be given the following warning  

Image URL - This is the image that will appear on the tile. Image types supported are .bmp / .gif  / .jpeg / ,svg.

Image Fill Setting - This is how the image will be displayed on the tile. 

       Centred -  The image will be in the middle of the tile.

       Fill - The image will fill the entire tile.

Save all Composer Group Details. 

A notification in the top right corner will appear to confirm the information has been saved.