To use a different language on the K3 Printer you will need to set the language within the printer itself by following these steps:

The below is an example setting the language to Chinese.

  1. Download the printer tool found at 
  2. Connect the thermal printer to your computer, take note of the COM port it connects to. You can find this out simply by looking in device manager.
  3. Start up the PrinterTool.exe then on the first screen configure the printer e.g. Set the COM port to the one it is connected to and hit configure port, set the baud rate to 38400. Hit Then Set Printer.
  4. On the first tab, set the code page to CHINESE and set the baud rate to 38400, hit “Set” the printer should beep back at you.
  5. On the “BIG5” tab make sure emulation mode is set to EPSON ESC/POS and language to “Chinese GB 18030” hit set on both of these.
  6. Back on the first tab again (Base) Hit Self Test, the printer should print out its configuration, and the code page at the top now should read GBK along with some Chinese characters.
  7. Next unplug the printer and plug it back into your connector, reboot your connector.
  8. SSH onto the connector and change the docker-compose.yml file add the following configuration to the arm gateway container as an environment variable - “EncodingCodePageValue: 54936”
  9. Reboot your connector.