Adverts are tiles that can be used in the Composer Groups that enable you to sell promotional space within your front-end apps and have links to off-site content.

NOTE: The functionality does not extend to link tracking or any metrics,

Adverts are not recommended for use with the Kiosk or SCO. They are designed to be used on a personal device. 

Adverts List

A searchable list of adverts which you can use to find an Advert you wish to edit, or alternatively Create New advert.


Adverts only require 3 properties to be provided.

Name - The name of the advert. This is internal use and not used in the front-end apps as you should use the Image to provide the content the user will see.

Redirect URL - This is the URL the user will be sent to, in a new browser tab, if they click the tile on their device.

Image URL - The URL to the image that appears on the tile. Only .bmp, .gif, .jpg and .svg type images are supported.