Transactionsin and out of Imagine
To get Transactions out of Imagine you would use the Transaction Resource.
Please note transactions can only be pulled out of Imagine.
What you can do with Transactions
The Imagine API lets you do the following with the Transaction resource. More detailed versions of these general actions may be available here
Retrieves a list of transactions
Transaction Properties
"id": 38 A unique numeric identifier for the Customer. Each id is unique across the Imagine system |
type |
"type": 1 The transaction type |
date |
"date": "2019-04-08T10:26:08+01:00" The date of the transaction |
source * |
"source": null The transaction source |
destination * |
"destination": null An transaction destination. |
vendorCode * |
"vendorCode": null The transactions vendor code |
responsible * |
"responsible": null The customers first name. |
grossInclVat |
"grossInclVAT": 149.99 The transaction gross amount including VAT |
grossExclVat |
"grossExclVAT": 124.99 The transaction gross amount excluding VAT |
netInclVat |
"netInclVAT": 149.99 The transaction net amount including VAT |
netExclVat |
"netExclVAT": 124.99 The transaction net amount excluding VAT |
deliveryDate * |
"deliveryDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00" The delivery date of the transaction if set |
preferredDeliveryDate * |
"preferredDeliveryDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00" The preferred delivery date of the transaction if set |
deliveryRemarks * |
"deliveryRemarks": null Any delivery notes |
paymentCondition * |
"paymentCondition": null The payment condition |
deliveryMethod * |
"deliveryMethod": null The delivery method |
discountCode |
"discountCode": null The associated discount code id applied to the transaction |
discountReason |
"discountReason": null The associated discount reason code id if applicable |
discountAmount |
"discountAmount": 0.00 Theamount of discount applied to the transaction |
discountPerc |
"discountPerc": 0.00 A percentage discount applied to the transaction |
customerReference |
"customerReference": null The customer id if transaction is linked to a customer |
receiptBarcode |
"receiptBarcode": "R0003-001-000002" The unique receipt barcode number |
posId |
"posId": 1 The POS id the transaction was performed upon |
uuid |
"uuid": "33e782202a0c4c4e9bc5722ba382d646" The unique id of the transaction |
receiptId |
"receiptId": 2 The unique receipt id of the transaction |
shop |
"shop": 3 The shop id which performed the transaction |
storeCode |
"storeCode": "MAN" The store code which performed the transaction |
clerk |
"clerk": 1 The id of the clerk that performed the transaction |
armId |
"armId": "1" The id of the connector the transaction was performed against |
customerNumber |
"customerNumber": "0" The customer number, if the transaction was linked to a customer |
transactionLines |
"transactionLines": [ { "transactionId": 1, "lineNumber": 1, "lineType": 1, "variantCode": null, "productGroupCode": null, "quantity": 1.00, "orderedQuantity": 0.00, "discrepancyQuantity": 0.00, "unitOfMeasure": null, "sourceLocation": null, "grossInclVAT": 149.99, "grossExclVAT": 124.99, "netInclVAT": 149.99, "netExclVAT": 124.99, "salesPrice": 149.99, "salesPriceWhenOriginalSalesPriceIsZero": 149.99, "purchasePrice": 0.00, "shippingCosts": 0.00, "lineDiscount": 0.00, "discountCode": null, "deliveryMethod": null, "sourcingCode": null, "vatType": 0, "enteredText": "", "setNo": 0, "webOrderNumber": null, "parameter1": "10001", "ean": "10001", "itemgroup": "1", "costPrice": 58.69, "clerkId": 1, "vat": 20.00, "voucherNumber": null, "discountDetails": [] } ] A list of the items sold on the transaction |
paymentLines |
"paymentLines": [ { "transactionId": 1, "lineNumber": 1, "paymentDate": "2019-04-08T10:26:08+01:00", "amount": 149.99, "paymentMethod": null, "reference": null, "paymentType": "Cash", "currencyName": "GBP", "voucherNumber": null } ] A list of payments made against the transaction |
* Not currently used in Imagine
Retreive a list of transactions
Request Body:
"from": "2019-04-16T00:58:58.228Z",
"to": "2019-04-17T08:58:58.228Z"
Response: 200