Transaction Report allows you to see a list of transactions that can be filtered by Store, Date and receipt Number.


The filter option allows for a filter based upon:

  • Store ( One or more stores can be selected )
  • Receipt No. Contains
  • Start date
  • End date


Once the filter and date range has been set clicking will display the report. This will show 10 results at a time


An example transaction is shown below:


  • Date - The Transaction Date
  • Store - The Store Id which processed the Transaction
  • POS - The POS Id which processed the Transaction
  • Receipt No. 
  • Clerk - The Clerk  which processed the Transaction
  • Receipt Barcode 
  • Connector
  • Customer - The id of the customer linked to the transaction


  • Item/Voucher/Web Order/Group/Set Description (dependant on the type of sale line)
  • The Item Number if applicable
  • The Item Group ID for the Item if applicable
  • The Item Retail Price
  • Quantity Sold
  • The Total Inc Tax (Sold Price * Quantity)
  • The Total Excl Tax 
  • Tax Rate %
  • Discount Amount

Below the Transaction Lines you will see the Total amount followed by the method of payment and amount.

To display more transactions you can load the next 10 by pressing , this button will become greyed out when no more results are available for the selected date range.