Use the Arrows in the card header to bump the order between the statuses. The order genially will flow from left to right. 

Pending - When an order is placed it will be sat in pending, you then move this order to In Progress when someone has begun assembling/cooking the items. 

If for some reason the order needs to be cancelled you can move it to the left, doing this will permanently remove the order without the option of recovery.

In Progress - When an order is In Progress this means the assembly/cooking of the items has begun, it can be moved to Ready when completed. 

You can either move the order to the left to put it back into Pending this will remove it from the ORB.

Ready - When an order is in Ready this generally means the customer has received their order or its ready to be given to them. If a mistake is made and an order is not ready you can move it back to In Progress. 

When the order has been delivered/received by the customer you can move the order to the right, this then indicates the order has been successfully processed. Once the order has been moved it will be removed from the ORB without the option of recovery.

OSD Actions

There are 4 buttons in the bottom right had corner of the screen which allow you to perform specific actions on the OSD.

By default, the OSD will display all orders up to the "current" time slot. If you want to see all orders for upcoming timings then you can toggle the button between them.