To create item prices through the API you have tho go through 4 steps. These steps are included in detail in a Postman collection available from K3.

1. POST the Item to the /api/item endpoint. This creates the basic item container.



    "itemNo": "BELT",

    "name": "Belt Uni",

    "description": "Belt Uni",

    "itemHierarchyId": 0



2. POST the Variant to the /api/item/variant endpoint. All items must have at least 1 variant. This must contain a barcode.



    "itemNo": "belt2",

    "barcode": "10000021"



3. POST the Price for the Variant at the /api/price endpoint



    "itemNo": "123",

    "unitPrice": 100



4. PUT the price to set the base price against the item using the /api/price/base endpoint.



    "itemNo": "123",

    "uom": "PCS",

    "unitPrice": 40,

    "startDate": "2017-09-11Z",

    "endDate": "2017-09-18Z"

