This is an exhaustive list of acronyms and words used throughout the documentation and their meanings.

  • Tenant - Refers to a customer, a system or a unique instance of an application as a "tenant".
  • User - A Login used which is associated with an individual that is tied to a tenant. 
  • Module - This is an application or set of functionality which sits within Imagine. These must be enabled for a Tenant first, and then a user can be given particular permission to access various modules. 
  • Clerk -  A user that only has access to the POS.

Front Of Store

  • TOP (Table Order and Pay) - This is an application that lets customers arrive at a location scan a QR code/NFC tag and place an order for goods to be brought to them at their table, paying for it on their device with their own credit/debit cards.

  • POP (Popup, Order and Pay) – This is an application for stores that want to be able to offer a pop-up remote ordering of goods for collection or home delivery and pay for them with their own credit/debit cards on their own devices.

  • Kiosk - This is an application that is designed to be used on a stand-up shared point. It allows customers to select and order their goods which they then can go and collect when ready and pay using their card on a Pin Entry Device. 

NOTE: The key difference between a Kiosk and an SCO is the ability for the customer to scan items on SCO whereas the kiosk uses a touch screen for item entry only and is manned by a cashier. 

  • SCO (Self Checkout) – This application is designed so customers can scan/look up their pre-packaged items and pay using a credit/debit card using a payment terminal.

  • Simple POS - This application is designed for a cashier to serve customers using simple POS functions with easily accessed discount and refund options. The application also supports cash payments as well as card payments, items can be scanned or imputed through button-driven menus. 

  • ORB (Order Ready Board) – This is a board that will display a customer’s view of their order as its being processed until it is ready to be collected. 

Back of Store

  • OSD (Order Status Display) - This is used for order processing purposes and will allow you to bump orders from "Pending" through to "In Progress" and "Ready". These status changes are then reflected in the ORB - Order Ready Board.

  • Self-Serve Companion - This application works alongside the SCO it allows for the remote monitoring and approval of restricted items along with supervisor functions, meaning a colleague does not need to physically attend an SCO to make approvals for example.

Back Office

  • Product Configurator – This is where you will configure your Bundles, Bundle Groups and Modifier Groups, all of these play a different role within the Self-Serve applications.

  • Composer Groups - These are groups of Tiles which a user can tap via the front-end  a "Landing Group" which is used as the starting point for users to interact with. These are configured per app, per location basis 

  • Visual Composer - This is the application where you configure your Composer Groups and where you will control the look and feel of your front end applications. These can be applied on a per-app, per-location basis.

  • Self-Serve Admin - This is where you configure your Self-Serve apps, such as the TOP and POP URLs, Time Slots, Shop Policies and Payment Providers amongst other options. These configuration options are set based on a per-location, per-app basis.

  • PPE (Price and Promotion Engine) -  This engine helps to accumulate market data in real time and aids retailers in instantly changing prices based on customer behaviour, creating bundles and promotions where required. 

  • UOM (Units of Measure) -  Used to quantify an inventory of items and enables to track them. Its a physical unit i.e kg, dozen, meter etc.