Financial Report allows you to breakdowns of Transactions based upon a single store and date range.


The filter option allows for a filter based upon:

  • Store
  • Include inactive shops
  • Start date
  • End date


Once the filter and date range has been set clicking will display the report.


The report will list the following breakdowns

  • Total Sales - The total sales amount for the period selected
  • Average Basket - The average basket amount
  • Transaction Analysis - A breakdown of the number of different transactions eg Sales, Return and Exchange
  • Discount Analysis - A breakdown of discounts eg Total and Line Discounts.
  • Discount Reason Code Analysis - A list of discount codes used
  • Return Analysis 
  • Cash Statements - Detail Cash statements processed during the date range
  • Payment Methods - A List of payment methods used along with the number of transactions and totals
  • Time Analysis - A breakdown on the number of transactions,items and totals grouped by the time of day by hour.
  • Tax Analysis - A breakdown of Amount taken by Tax Rate