Custom Email Receipts are supported when a retailer has their own SendGrid account.

Within SendGrid they must create an API Key through settings > API Keys and record/copy the key to be used.

Within SendGrid a Dynamic Template can then be created.This is done using Templates > Transactional

You can then create and format a template but it must be a Dynamic Template. It can be formatted and structured however you like, but you should use the following variables in triplicate {{{curlybraces}}} and Imagine will replace these with the content from the transaction.










The Template ID is then required to configure Imagine to use your custom template.

The custom receipt template can then be implemented by K3 as a Shop Feature through the support platform. Please contact your local support team for more details.

Feature Name: ReceiptEmail

Feature Values:

  • Name: SendGridReceiptEmailTemplateId, Type: String, Value: TemplateId taken from SendGrid
  • Name: SendGridReceiptEmailApiKey, Type: String, Value: ApiKey taken from SendGrid

A sample/getting started template is shown below.


<table class="resetWidth" style="mso-table-lspace: 0pt; mso-table-rspace: 0pt;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" bgcolor="#EEF0F2">



<td align="left" width="600"><br /> <span class="mobilefont" style="color: ##EEF0F2; line-height: 10px; font-family: arial , sans-serif;"><strong>CUSTOM!!!!!! CUSTOM!!!!!! Thanks for your purchase!</strong><br /> <br />Please find attached your receipt and below an overview of your purchased items.&nbsp;</span><br /> &nbsp;<hr />

<div style="text-align: center;">{{{HEADER}}}<hr /></div>

<div style="text-align: center;">

<div style="text-align: left;">{{{ITEMS}}}</div>







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